Snapshots of Brown: A Night on College Hill


Do you long for new pictures of Brown’s campus to look at on a regular basis? Well look no further! My name is Brianna Lambert and I’ll be bringing you weekly photos depicting the life of a Brown student with Snapshots of Brown.

Nope, the picture above is not the same one from last week. Brown likes large tents filled with pretty lights so much that they’ve decided to keep one up permanently! So I’m totally kidding about that, but Brown did have a dance this weekend that brought a lot of students on campus underneath a tent of swirling lights called A Night on College Hill!

A Night on College Hill (ANOCH), sponsored by Class Board, Greek council, and Campus Life, took place for the first time last year as a part of Brown’s 250th year celebration. I thought it was a special event only for the 250th celebration, but thankfully I was wrong. ANOCH is now an annual event!


ANOCH was ton of fun this year! There were catered desserts, glow–sticks everywhere, and a free photo booth. In addition to a DJ, the band Butter played live music (their cover of “Crazy in Love” by Beyoncé is beyond amazing). My friends and I spent all night dancing and singing along to every song. Oh and did I mention that all of this was free and open to all undergraduates? It really can’t get much better than that!

Until next time,


Have certain things about Brown you would like to see? Send me an email at and I’ll make sure to snap a pic of it!

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